
Organic Foods: Are They Worth It?



I believe organic foods are worth the extra cost, and here's why:


  • Food producers who are USDA Certified Organic must follow rules etablished by the USDA Organic Standards Board. The USDA Organic rules stipulate that animals must not be treated with hormones or antibiotics, they must have access to the outdoors, and they must consume organic feed. 


  • Those rules also state that no synthetic pesticides or fertlizers can be used on veggies and fruits and that they may not be genetically modified, irradiated, or fertilized with sewage (yes, sewage). The more of us who purchase and consume organic foods, the fewer synthetic chemicals and aforementioned pollutants (to both your body and the environment) you will see in your food supply. 


  • When you have fewer synthetic chemicals, hormones, and quantities of antibiotics used on industrial farms, you will be less at risk for chronic disease, cancer, obesity, and major outbreaks of E.Coli and salmonella. 


While this all sounds great, I'll be the first to admit that no system is without its flaws and that the quality of organic foods depends on how stringent the USDA is with its inspections and enforcement. Unless you are planting your own foods and raising your own animals, however, it is the best system we have and it gives you the best chance at ensuring that what goes into your body enhances -- not harms -- your health.