Long-Term Weight Loss Solution

Having trouble staying compliant to a low-carb diet and dreaming of fruit? Low-fat not doing it for you as you quickly shuffle (see:run) by the nut aisle? Does the Paleo diet have you craving that delectable plate of Spaghetti alla Carbonara on the menu? The short answer is, most likely, yes.

Research shows many popular diets result in a modest weight loss, reduced cholesterol, and improved insulin sensitivity with moderate compliance over several months, according to Dr. Eric Rimm of the Harvard School of Public Health. But when these participants are followed over the course of a year, compliance tends to slip and much of the weight is regained. In some studies, women in control groups who didn’t adjust their diets ended up at the same approximate weight as the dieters after one year. See here: http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/nutrition-obesity-hot-topics-diet-rimm/

Instead of dieting in absolutes, focus on consuming whole foods with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, legumes (especially legumes!), whole grains, nuts, and small amounts of fish. Why? Well, according to 'Blue Zone' research on longevity, the diet of the longest-lived people on earth is just this. They only consume small portions of meat 4-5 times a month, which is another good rule of thumb. Overall, it's best to consume mostly whole foods, and don't sweat it when you have the occasional serving of meat, dessert, the daily dose of alcohol or a little sugar in your tea or coffee. A little here and there is ok! See here: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/03/science-compared-every-diet-and-the-winner-is-real-food/284595/

Another overlooked, but terrific tool, is to keep a journal on your eating habits. Write it down, or better yet, start pre-planning your menus and check out restaurant websites for healthy food options before you go. Regardless, keeping track of your food consumption keeps you focused on your goal and is a proven technique for weight loss. See here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080708080738.htm  

The best diet is very simply consuming whole foods while practicing moderation. Fancy some fruit? Add in some raspberries with your yogurt. Feeling nutty? Grab a small handful of pistachios. Spaghetti alla Carbonara still on your mind? Enjoy a moderate portion with a glass of wine and a side of veggies... And don't forget to eat slowly and savor each bite.

Last, but not least, don't forget to focus on moving in a natural manner as much as possible. Focus on mild-to-moderate exercise most of the week but don't be afraid to raise the intensity once or twice a week. Long walks, a refreshing swim, lifting weights to boost your lean muscle, a sweaty but energizing run, a dance class, house work, planting a garden, strolling through an art museum, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, 10,000 steps-a-day... Whatever you do, make movement a consistent part of your every day life! 

Keep these tips handy and incorporate them into your daily life:

1. Focus on consuming whole, unprocessed plant-based foods most of the time, let's say about 90% of the time. Stay away from processed foods as much as possible---it's not the end of the world if you eat something processed, just minimize it as much as possible.

2. Aim for having meat once a week and on special occasions. Get most of your protein from legumes, grains, nuts, seeds and consume small portions of fish each day---about 3-4 ounces, or approximately the size of your palm.

3. Eat slowly and savor the food you are eating until you're satisfied, not overly full. Disengage from mindless eating by turning off the TV, laptop,  and putting down that magazine or phone. 

4. Drink alcohol regularly, but not excessively, especially red wine. 4-8 ounces a day, about the equivalent of 1-2 glasses, is all you need.

5. Check your weight and waistline consistently by purchasing a trusty weight scale and measuring tape. If the scale isn't moving downward and your waistline remains the same, eat just a little less each day and keep monitoring your numbers. I'm not advocating you starve yourself as that will not work! Instead, be mindful of making small adjustments in your daily diet until you see consistent weight loss and a slimming waistline while you focus on consuming a balanced, whole food diet that enhances your vitality and well-being.

6. Keep a journal of what you consume and plan ahead before hitting your favorite restaurant.

7. Keep moving! Keep moving! Keep moving! It's not always easy when you start, but if you keep at it and find ways to move consistently throughout your busy day, your energy levels will grow by leaps and bounds and your health, as well as your weight loss, will improve.

8. Last, but not least, remain strong and commit yourself to change!